We invest in people and the places we do business, but we also go to places where no one wants to go an help communities in need as well the people
Community Partnership
We strive to make real impact in the neighborhoods where we work and live. Our commitment goes beyond our own communities by supporting different charities and nonprofit organizations. We are actively working directly on different causes in the developing world.

company’s vision
Responsible Business
Guidelines for responsible investments
- Consider environmental, public health, safety, and social issues associated with target companies when evaluating whether to invest in a particular company or entity, as well as during the period of ownership.
- Seek to be accessible to, and engage with, relevant stakeholders either directly or through representatives of portfolio companies, as appropriate.
- Seek to grow and improve the companies in which they invest for long-term sustainability and to benefit multiple stakeholders, including on environmental, social and governance issues.
- Seek to use governance structures that provide appropriate levels of oversight in the areas of audit, risk management and potential conflicts of interest and to implement compensation and other policies that align the interests of owners and management.
- Provide a safe and healthy workplace in conformance with national and local law; and, consistent with applicable law, will respect the rights of employees to decide whether or not to join a union and engage in collective bargaining.
- Maintain strict policies that prohibit bribery and other improper payments to public officials consistent with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, similar laws in other countries, and the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention.
- Respect the human rights of those affected by their investment activities and seek to confirm that their investments do not flow to companies that utilize child or forced labor or maintain discriminatory policies.
- Encourage their portfolio companies to advance these same principles in a way which is consistent with their fiduciary duties.